Welcome to QuickBean’s documentation !

QuickBean is a library that reduces the boilerplate code required to define beans.


Here is how to install QuickBean :

pip install quickbean

Starting with QuickBean

Suppose you have defined the following bean :

>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     def __init__(self, my_property, my_other_property):
>>>         self.my_property = my_property
>>>         self.my_other_property = my_other_property

If you would like your bean to have a human-readable representation, you have to override the __repr__ method :

>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     def __init__(self, my_property, my_other_property):
>>>         self.my_property = my_property
>>>         self.my_other_property = my_other_property
>>>     def __repr__(self):
>>>         return 'MyObject(my_property=%s, my_other_property=%s)' % (self.my_property, self.my_other_property)

If you would like your bean to be equality comparable, you also have to override the __eq__ and __ne__ methods :

>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     def __init__(self, my_property, my_other_property):
>>>         self.my_property = my_property
>>>         self.my_other_property = my_other_property
>>>     def __repr__(self):
>>>         return 'MyObject(my_property=%s, my_other_property=%s)' % (self.my_property, self.my_other_property)
>>>     def __eq__(self, other):
>>>         return other.__class__ is MyObject and other.__dict__ == self.__dict__
>>>     def __ne__(self, other):
>>>         return not self.__eq__(other)

Although there is nothing difficult here, it would be better if this boilerplate code could be automatically generated for you. This is exactly what QuickBean brings to you :

>>> import quickbean
>>> @quickbean.AutoBean
>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     def __init__(self, my_property, my_other_property):
>>>         self.my_property = my_property
>>>         self.my_other_property = my_other_property

You may even let QuickBean generate the __init__ method for you :

>>> import quickbean
>>> @quickbean.AutoInit('my_property', 'my_other_property')
>>> @quickbean.AutoBean
>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     pass
